Monday, November 1, 2010


I just noticed that I neglected to mention Halloween. Well.

Here Halloween is a pretty big deal. For pretty much the entirety of October, I could see people getting ready for the last night of the month. Dining Services, in particular, were really into it. It seemed like every day there was a new addition to Rathbone in the mornings. It was hard not to get excited for Halloween, really.

But by the time it came around, the hype died down. Yeah, it was Halloween. And that ended it. Once Halloween was was over. College life returned back to normal, as if Halloween hadn't even existed.

But anyway, I digress.

I dressed up as a mard (see two posts ago for details) with the rest of the fritch of the 97.

We have all the mards from, I think, 10 (or 5) to 45, but Kim was sick and couldn't come, so we had a hole in the 30 spot. Kim and I technically don't have a mard so we filled in the spots, Kim being 30 and me being 35 (obviously). Rebecca is the oddball because she doesn't really have a mard either, but her rank just gave her a small cone (because she plays sousaphone she is entitled to a smaller mard) and labeled it with her name. Her mard has no "place" so she puts it wherever she wants to. Since Kim wasn't here, she popped herself in as the 30.

So we all went down to the band party and "flamed" it. Meaning we marched in in order and sang GRL^2. It was a fun night. :)


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