Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Major intended

So I was thinking. I think I'm gonna change my major (well, I haven't technically declared it yet..but ah, those are semantics) to Materials Science and Engineering. It's kind of random, but I thought it was change.

I took a (mandatory) tour of the MatSci labs and found it really interesting. I don't have to declare my major until around March next year, so I have a lot of time, but I'm really considering going into MatSci. One of the uppers in band (that I know of) is in MatSci so I can always ask him about it. :)

Also...I hate registration. Nothing stirs the entire school into a state of panic and mass hysteria like 4 o'clocks and registration. :/

Anyway, I'm gonna go back to my homework. Gah, it's hard to do a homework set on integrals when your professor doesn't teach you about them. :(


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