Saturday, October 23, 2010

4 Minutes of Bromance

That was, seriously, what our last show was called. They tend to group together the names of the two songs we play. x) Our songs this week were 4 Minutes and Bad Romance. Our drum major even dressed up like Lady GaGa for this, too. It was really funny because he had a blonde wig, a mirrored mask, and a weird plastic thing in place of his mace. It looked like a giant Q-Tip. :/

Anyway, the main reason I'm bringing this us is because...I PLAYED MY FIRST SHOW!!! :D

These two were the best first songs for me to play (as in show songs) because the saxophone parts are mostly one note. In 4 Minutes it's mostly high E and in Bad Romance there's a lot of C Sharps, which are fairly easy to play. I was also bullied into playing by my mentor. Most of the C Sharps were eighth notes so I didn't play those. However, I know from low C to high C (not counting the high E) so I could play most of the half notes in between, most of which consisted of C Sharp, A, and B. :) I. Am. SOOO happy. Even if I forgot to march a few times and ended up having Matt run into me or some such. ^^;

I'm happy with my performance (save for the part where I forgot to march) overall.

Show: If you're curious, Rank 10 is the long line in the 4 on the left side. To look for me, find the place where the line dips - that is where me and Alex are. We're the shortest. ^^;


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