Sunday, November 21, 2010

Now That I Think About It...

Now that I think about it, we almost pulled an 'American Pie' on the field. x)

We all got up to dance
But oh, we never got the chance
'Cause, when the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield...
(Not entirely sure if that's right - done from memory)

Because Aunty Kehau asked when I sent her to shows, I'll make a list of the shows I marched in and where I start off in.

Princeton Halftime:
I start out on the left side of the screen at the corner on the 40 yard line.

Songs: Don't Stop Me Now, California Dreamin'
Title: Don't Stop Dreamin'

CMBF (Collegiate Marching Band Festival) and Bucknell (Pregame): and
I start off on the right side of the screen in the back row. If you look down the row, you see a bunch of tall people and a place where the line dips over two heads. (That's me and Alex) I'm the one to the left. Or, if you want specifics, just to the viewer's right of the 35.

Songs: I Want You Back, What Is Life
Title: I Want Your Life

Bucknell (Halftime) and Colgate (Pregame): and
I "start out" in different places depending on the video. In the Bucknell (Halftime) one, we're already on field, so I'm in the 4 where the horizontal line meets the vertical. Again, look for where the line dips down due to me and Alex's shortness and I'll be the one closer to the middle. In the Colgate (Pregame) video, we're marching on. I'm pretty much in the same place on the 35.

Songs: 4 Minutes, Bad Romance
Show Title: 4 Minutes of Bromance

Colgate (Halftime):

In the beginning of the video, my rank isn't shown. Slowly the camera zooms out and then you can see my rank, starting from 0:29. Somewhere between 0:30 and 0:31 I'm spinning on the yard line. Again, look for the short people in the line. When you first see the rank, there should be a tall person spinning...and then there's me. If you want more specifics, wait until we start marching the show. There are two short inner lines to the viewer's right of my line. At around 2:03ish they spin sideways and then turn and march through the outer lines. Just behind the point where the bari sax player crosses the line is where I am.

Songs: Yes Sir That's My Baby, Music Music Music (Put Another Nickel In), Alexander's Ragtime Band
Show Title: Alexander's Music Baby

Lehigh-Laf (Halftime and After):

So it's a little hard to see, but I'm on the viewer's right of the 45 yard line on the right side of the field in the back row. Actually, it ends up being the middle row (drumline's the last row). 

Songs: Livin' on a Prayer, Any Way You Want It
Show Title: Livin' Any Way You Want 

You can't see me for Marching Lehigh except for a very brief glimpse starting at 0:20. You can see the saxes start to turn around then. I will be the last alto sax in the line and a bari sax will turn right after me and pretty much block me from view. 

Song: Marching Lehigh
Show Title: Marching Lehigh

And in case anyone is wondering why it's called Marching Lehigh...the band spells out LEHIGH. Go look in the other shows. We always do it. After the song's over, drumline plays a cadence and the band looks like it scatters into chaos. Then we form a box and do Marching Lehigh.

Also, the YouTube account PubMan97 has this year's current shows. PubMan isn't a reference to alcohol - it's the exec in the band 'Publicity Manager', but we all call him/her the pubman. It's easier. We abbreviate everything. (StudCon - student conductor; StaffAss - staff assistant; PubMan - publicity manager, etc.)

Anyway, on that account this year's PubMan put up a Psyche Run ( done by the band, I think at the Bucknell game. Basically what a Psyche Run is is when the band forms four lines between the two sides of the stadium. We scream and yell 'PSYCHE!!!' and run through and around each other in our lines and run to our side of the stands. You can't see the sheer danger of it all (we actually warn people out of the way for, like, a five foot radius around the edges) but it's pretty cool. Losing music, bandanas, and other stuff is common. So is falling and having people trip over you on accident.

For those wondering, you probably can't see EXACTLY where I am, but I usually end up near the gyro stand (that white tent), just to the viewer's right of the right edge. Saxes end up behind drumline so we don't usually run that fast, which is awesome. :D I think you can see a brief glimpse of me at 1:10. Again, you just have to look for the dip in the line and you've found me. The other short sax player is directly behind drumline.


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