Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Assumptions and Stereotypes

I was just thinking about these. They're kind of funny. ;)

-starving college students : false. I actually eat quite a bit. As mom has said, it's like a squirrel: I have to save up for winter (or whenever I go without food, but that is rare). I get at least two good meals a day, sometimes three. The food here is really good, too. :)
-dining hall food sucks: false. Yes, it's not as good as homemade food, but it's nothing like high school cafeteria food, that's for sure. It's pretty good.
-Hawaiians surf: true and false. Some do, not all. I happen to.
-Hawaiians have a low tolerance to cold: true and false. I happen to have a low tolerance for cold. Others do too, but not all.
-Hawaiians have never seen snow before: true and false. I have, but others haven't.

Before I go on, let me show you this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TywmpMQYojs. It's funny. It's the Assumption Song. ;)
-I am dating Jose. false. No. We're just good friends. Really.
-I am dating Bruce. false. Same as above.
-I am a wild party animal. false. I'm just out a lot with friends.
-I am dating Charlie. false. Just because I am friends with a guy doesn't mean I'm dating him.
-I have a boyfriend (because of the ring on my finger). false. I wear a ring on my finger because it has significance to me, not because I am showing that I am taken.
-I just don't want to admit that I have a boyfriend. false. 1. I don't have a boyfriend. 2. Why would I be ashamed to admit it if I did? (and why are y'all so obsessed about my love life (or lack of)?)
-I get a lot of sleep. false. I am a college student. On average, I get between 4-7 hours of sleep. During finals and exams, I get as little as 3-4, or even less. On Saturdays when there are games the band goes to, I usually keep to my weekday schedule. On Sundays I sleep in until 1. The only time I get to really sleep in and catch up on sleep are Sundays (as mentioned) and breaks. So I'll say that I don't get a whole lot of sleep.

I had more but there was an issue with blogspot.com saving the drafts. Gah. I have to run, but I'll update with more later.


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