A lot of people are wondering so...I went to DC for Thanksgiving. I traveled with a friend from band, Charlie, who was heading in the same direction. We caught a Bieber bus from the depot just off campus to Philly, then a MegaBus from Philly to DC. He went to visit family there while Uncle Dave picked me up from the bus stop and we went back to Fredericksburg.
And, apparently the day after I left, it snowed in PA. ;__;
It was like being in the dorm again, though with different people and in a different place...and with bald cats. The only thing was that I couldn't quite leave... And as fun as it was to see family, I missed Lehigh so much. Didn't think I would. It's kind of weird. :/
I've started to think of Lehigh as "home". I have a "mommy" here, and a "sister" too. I can still talk with Jenna via Skype and/or Facebook, and though I talk to mom regularly...gah. I don't know anymore. It'll be interesting going back to Hawaii. I mean, here I can literally (and usually do, especially for band-related activities) leave the dorm at around 11p and not return until 1 or 2am. Or I can stay up all night doing homework and no one will call me to ask where I am unless B locked herself out again and that has only happened about two times. I don't have to ask permission for anything and do pretty much whatever I want, especially since I don't have anyone here to tell me what to do (and if they do try to tell me I get pretty angry at them, mostly because they tell me what to do in a really condescending way).
But it'll be nice to be home. Even though it'll be hot as heck for me 'cause I'm finally getting used to the weather here. :/
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