Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Assumptions and Stereotypes

I was just thinking about these. They're kind of funny. ;)

-starving college students : false. I actually eat quite a bit. As mom has said, it's like a squirrel: I have to save up for winter (or whenever I go without food, but that is rare). I get at least two good meals a day, sometimes three. The food here is really good, too. :)
-dining hall food sucks: false. Yes, it's not as good as homemade food, but it's nothing like high school cafeteria food, that's for sure. It's pretty good.
-Hawaiians surf: true and false. Some do, not all. I happen to.
-Hawaiians have a low tolerance to cold: true and false. I happen to have a low tolerance for cold. Others do too, but not all.
-Hawaiians have never seen snow before: true and false. I have, but others haven't.

Before I go on, let me show you this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TywmpMQYojs. It's funny. It's the Assumption Song. ;)
-I am dating Jose. false. No. We're just good friends. Really.
-I am dating Bruce. false. Same as above.
-I am a wild party animal. false. I'm just out a lot with friends.
-I am dating Charlie. false. Just because I am friends with a guy doesn't mean I'm dating him.
-I have a boyfriend (because of the ring on my finger). false. I wear a ring on my finger because it has significance to me, not because I am showing that I am taken.
-I just don't want to admit that I have a boyfriend. false. 1. I don't have a boyfriend. 2. Why would I be ashamed to admit it if I did? (and why are y'all so obsessed about my love life (or lack of)?)
-I get a lot of sleep. false. I am a college student. On average, I get between 4-7 hours of sleep. During finals and exams, I get as little as 3-4, or even less. On Saturdays when there are games the band goes to, I usually keep to my weekday schedule. On Sundays I sleep in until 1. The only time I get to really sleep in and catch up on sleep are Sundays (as mentioned) and breaks. So I'll say that I don't get a whole lot of sleep.

I had more but there was an issue with blogspot.com saving the drafts. Gah. I have to run, but I'll update with more later.


Monday, November 29, 2010

It's me again...

Self-pity fest (almost) over. Anyway, I was making myself some dinner and thinking about some of the nuances of speech here. As far as I know, it's Lehigh-specific because we're such a close-knit community.

-We refer to the dorms as "home". When I talk with someone, we say we're going "home" to study, or shower, or nap or something. Yes, it's not that big of a deal...but in context it speaks a lot. We don't say "I'm going back to the dorm to____" anymore. 

-After the first two weeks or so of school, whenever someone would ask where I (or anyone else) was from, they would say "where were you from before?" or "where did you come from before [Lehigh]?" As in, "this is our home now, we moved here permanently, so where did you move from before you moved?" Now a lot of the people I talk to say "Where is your family?" When they joke about my [low] tolerance (what tolerance?) to the cold, they say "well, you came from Hawaii", in a way that always seems to imply that this is my home now, not Hawaii, like the above statement. 

-Now when people say "where do you live" or "where did you live", everyone automatically says their dorm/apartment name rather than their city or home state unless asked specifically. 

-When we asked each other about each others' Thanksgiving or holiday breaks, they always say first "it's good to be back home." Then they talk about family. Then they finish and say, "I missed my family, but I missed Lehigh more. It's good to be home." or something similar. 

On a lighter note, here is what we call some of the buildings on campus. Unfortunately I can only think of two...but they're fairly funny.

-Linderman Library: Nicknamed "Lindy". I've heard a lot of people say "I've got a hot date with Lindy," meaning "I'm going to study my butt off in Linderman Library and not come out until they kick me out or my brain bleeds out through my ears". Usually said sometime before finals/4 o'clocks.

-Rathbone Dining Hall: Nicknamed "Rath" or "The 'Bone" (B and some of my hall mates call it "The 'Boner" in fits of crude humor). I usually eat here, so when I plan dinner or something with friends, I refer to it as The 'Bone or, on occasion, Rath. Jose does this too. I know there are others who do it, so we're not the only ones.



Sometimes it seems like my best just isn't good enough.

I mean, as you saw from a previous blog, I have to score high on my final exam so I don't "fail" math and have to take it over again. I don't even understand what's going on. I mean, when he goes over it in lecture I can understand it, but when I'm faced with the problem...I have absolutely no understanding of it.

I'm going to try my best, though. I just don't know if it's good enough.


Gobble Gobble Gobble...

A lot of people are wondering so...I went to DC for Thanksgiving. I traveled with a friend from band, Charlie, who was heading in the same direction. We caught a Bieber bus from the depot just off campus to Philly, then a MegaBus from Philly to DC. He went to visit family there while Uncle Dave picked me up from the bus stop and we went back to Fredericksburg.

And, apparently the day after I left, it snowed in PA.  ;__;

It was like being in the dorm again, though with different people and in a different place...and with bald cats. The only thing was that I couldn't quite leave... And as fun as it was to see family, I missed Lehigh so much. Didn't think I would. It's kind of weird. :/

I've started to think of Lehigh as "home". I have a "mommy" here, and a "sister" too. I can still talk with Jenna via Skype and/or Facebook, and though I talk to mom regularly...gah. I don't know anymore. It'll be interesting going back to Hawaii. I mean, here I can literally (and usually do, especially for band-related activities) leave the dorm at around 11p and not return until 1 or 2am. Or I can stay up all night doing homework and no one will call me to ask where I am unless B locked herself out again and that has only happened about two times. I don't have to ask permission for anything and do pretty much whatever I want, especially since I don't have anyone here to tell me what to do (and if they do try to tell me I get pretty angry at them, mostly because they tell me what to do in a really condescending way).

But it'll be nice to be home. Even though it'll be hot as heck for me 'cause I'm finally getting used to the weather here. :/


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Now That I Think About It...

Now that I think about it, we almost pulled an 'American Pie' on the field. x)

We all got up to dance
But oh, we never got the chance
'Cause, when the players tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield...
(Not entirely sure if that's right - done from memory)

Because Aunty Kehau asked when I sent her to shows, I'll make a list of the shows I marched in and where I start off in.

Princeton Halftime:
I start out on the left side of the screen at the corner on the 40 yard line.

Songs: Don't Stop Me Now, California Dreamin'
Title: Don't Stop Dreamin'

CMBF (Collegiate Marching Band Festival) and Bucknell (Pregame):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fepb59Fin50 and http://www.youtube.com/user/97PubMan#p/u/5/ruaudg_P2Mc
I start off on the right side of the screen in the back row. If you look down the row, you see a bunch of tall people and a place where the line dips over two heads. (That's me and Alex) I'm the one to the left. Or, if you want specifics, just to the viewer's right of the 35.

Songs: I Want You Back, What Is Life
Title: I Want Your Life

Bucknell (Halftime) and Colgate (Pregame):
http://www.youtube.com/user/97PubMan#p/u/6/C_G0FgENuEA and http://www.youtube.com/user/97PubMan#p/u/2/g7xw3PznFFo
I "start out" in different places depending on the video. In the Bucknell (Halftime) one, we're already on field, so I'm in the 4 where the horizontal line meets the vertical. Again, look for where the line dips down due to me and Alex's shortness and I'll be the one closer to the middle. In the Colgate (Pregame) video, we're marching on. I'm pretty much in the same place on the 35.

Songs: 4 Minutes, Bad Romance
Show Title: 4 Minutes of Bromance

Colgate (Halftime):

In the beginning of the video, my rank isn't shown. Slowly the camera zooms out and then you can see my rank, starting from 0:29. Somewhere between 0:30 and 0:31 I'm spinning on the yard line. Again, look for the short people in the line. When you first see the rank, there should be a tall person spinning...and then there's me. If you want more specifics, wait until we start marching the show. There are two short inner lines to the viewer's right of my line. At around 2:03ish they spin sideways and then turn and march through the outer lines. Just behind the point where the bari sax player crosses the line is where I am.

Songs: Yes Sir That's My Baby, Music Music Music (Put Another Nickel In), Alexander's Ragtime Band
Show Title: Alexander's Music Baby

Lehigh-Laf (Halftime and After):

So it's a little hard to see, but I'm on the viewer's right of the 45 yard line on the right side of the field in the back row. Actually, it ends up being the middle row (drumline's the last row). 

Songs: Livin' on a Prayer, Any Way You Want It
Show Title: Livin' Any Way You Want 

You can't see me for Marching Lehigh except for a very brief glimpse starting at 0:20. You can see the saxes start to turn around then. I will be the last alto sax in the line and a bari sax will turn right after me and pretty much block me from view. 

Song: Marching Lehigh
Show Title: Marching Lehigh

And in case anyone is wondering why it's called Marching Lehigh...the band spells out LEHIGH. Go look in the other shows. We always do it. After the song's over, drumline plays a cadence and the band looks like it scatters into chaos. Then we form a box and do Marching Lehigh.

Also, the YouTube account PubMan97 has this year's current shows. PubMan isn't a reference to alcohol - it's the exec in the band 'Publicity Manager', but we all call him/her the pubman. It's easier. We abbreviate everything. (StudCon - student conductor; StaffAss - staff assistant; PubMan - publicity manager, etc.)

Anyway, on that account this year's PubMan put up a Psyche Run (http://www.youtube.com/user/97PubMan#p/u/4/qS23S_KHvMQ) done by the band, I think at the Bucknell game. Basically what a Psyche Run is is when the band forms four lines between the two sides of the stadium. We scream and yell 'PSYCHE!!!' and run through and around each other in our lines and run to our side of the stands. You can't see the sheer danger of it all (we actually warn people out of the way for, like, a five foot radius around the edges) but it's pretty cool. Losing music, bandanas, and other stuff is common. So is falling and having people trip over you on accident.

For those wondering, you probably can't see EXACTLY where I am, but I usually end up near the gyro stand (that white tent), just to the viewer's right of the right edge. Saxes end up behind drumline so we don't usually run that fast, which is awesome. :D I think you can see a brief glimpse of me at 1:10. Again, you just have to look for the dip in the line and you've found me. The other short sax player is directly behind drumline.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh the Freshmen have no band at Lafayette...

Warning: Contains mention of crude language and/or sexual innuendos. Also, word vomit and random topic changes.

Now that that's out of the way... the title's from a verse in a song the band sings often in regards to Lafayette:
Oh the freshmen have no band at Lafayette
Oh the freshmen have no band at Lafayette
Oh the freshmen have no band
So they do their drills by hand
Oh the freshmen have no band at Lafayette!


So today was the Lehigh-Laf game. We won. I now have a very strong dislike for Lafayette. But I digress. Let's start from the beginning.

Today's call time was 7:30a at ZAC. We had morning practice and then went back to the loft to get dressed, relax, and eat sammiches. When we went out to the practice field, the grass was literally WHITE. Why? Because there was FROST on the GRASS. Everyone thought it was SOOO funny when I asked them what was wrong with the grass. (It was about 30 degrees this morning at practice :/)

Anyway, so we ate sammiches and what-not. Got dressed, and boarded the buses. We had nice temperature-controlled Coach buses which was awesome. So on the way to the game, one of the Execs on the bus  stood up and gave a little warning. He said that a lot of the tailgaters we go through will be drunk and to kind of ignore them. On the Lafayette side especially, they may do stupid things and to not react. Things may be thrown at us if they get mad enough, so we had to be on fairly decent behavior.

If you look at pictures of our band, we have birds in our shakos...this week we didn't wear our birds because Suits was worried that the tailgaters would rip them out of our shakos. When we marched, we got yelled at by Lafayette tailgaters. I almost expected them to actually throw something (other than insults and middle fingers) at us. They did, kind of. They threw slices of cheese at us. :/ Could be worse, but I expected something a bit more...dramatic than that.

Anyway, so after marching around, we go into the stadium intending to go and sit down...and find a five-ish-row portable bleacher waiting for us. We have 90 people plus big instruments. It wasn't very fun. They said, though, that Lehigh Athletics put it together for us and that though we told them that we had 100 people, Athletics KNEW that we needed space for 150.

(Do you think 97 people can fit on that thing? Factoring in instruments...150? Hmm...Can we say 'Fail'?)

Apparently it always happens like this. But, moving on...

So our show takes about 6-9 minutes, depending. That is, we play Living on a Prayer, Any Way You Want It, take about half a minute to go to the box, do Marching Lehigh, then drain. Lafayette gave us 5 minutes. But that's not the worst thing! So halftime starts and we go down to the field to set up...then the Lafayette Step Team and the Cheerleaders do their weird little dance thing. Then Lafayette's Pep Band meanders on to the field and plays...twice as long as they were supposed to. We were supposed to start at 9 minutes left on the clock...we probably started around 6. :( So we had to raise the tempo of the songs to meet the time limit and we skipped Marching Lehigh and drained straight from the box. It sucked a lot but more so for the seniors, 'cause it was their last game. (We ended up doing Marching Lehigh behind the bleachers near the Port-o-Potties ;) )

The bad thing, too, was that when we were standing on the side of the field while waiting to set up the Lafayette side was jeering at us.

"If you went to Lafayette you'd know how to read music!" "If you went to Lafayette you'd be smart enough to read your music!" (I didn't say it really made much sense).

One of the douchey things of them to say was when Carl, our cymbal player, was walking toward the drumline. "Hey! Why you playing the cymbals? Can't play anything else?"

To Carl's credit, he was more amused by it and said that he turned around and told the guy, "Why yes, actually." (I found out a little while ago that he's in drumline because not only does he like it, but he also cannot play an instrument and has no inclination to do so.)

Other things were jeered at us, some of them not making sense, but others being fairly cruel and hostile. But then again, this rivalry has been celebrated for YEARS. It shouldn't surprise me that there's a lot of crap going on about it. Hell, I've heard a lot about it just walking around campus and seeing the shirts and stuff people wear in celebration.

Now that all these weird and bad things have happened at Lehigh-Laf, I have a bad association with them. Goal of getting Erin to really dislike Lafayette: accomplished.


Another note of their band: they have a pep band not a marching band. So we kicked. their. ASS on the field. Even with about 5 or 6 minutes for our show. They walked ten paces on the field, turned around, and played a single song three times without even marking time. Then we proceeded to rush to our places and kick their butts by playing Living on a Prayer and Any Way You Want It and doing the Death Box of Doom (which I will post a link of later so you can see the sheer awesomeness of the move we had to pull off x) ).


They're talking about making our halftime show super long next year when it's a home game so they have only like a minute for their contribution. x)


Another note: I played 'Lehigh Fight' at the game today and at the EcoFlame yesterday. Yesterday at the EcoFlame I also played parts of 'I Want You Back' (mostly the parts that weren't ridiculous eighth notes in weird combinations that span across half an octave). I'm so happy. :D And then...the season's over. :( We play in the playoffs, but we don't know yet. Either way I'm sad the season's over...and a little apprehensive about next year.

Let me back up a bit. There are two alto sax ranks, three if you count the rank with tenor and bari sax. There are currently two holes in the ranks, one in each. There are three seniors so next season there will, in theory, be five open spots if I stay in my rank. But I don't know what will happen. I mean, I can play all of two songs and parts of others. All I do is march. So I wonder...if more saxes come, what will happen to me? What will happen if more frosh come and the band goes over 97? I know it has in the past, but what will happen to me? Will I be kicked out of Rank 10? I'm a little....not worried, but apprehensive about next season. :( I kind of hope they don't, but at the same time it would kind of make sense. I mean, why keep me when they can have someone who actually knows what they're doing?

Bah. Anyway, we beat Lafayette and that's all that matters.



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Major Changes...lol...pun intended

So I was thinking. I think I'm gonna change my major (well, I haven't technically declared it yet..but ah, those are semantics) to Materials Science and Engineering. It's kind of random, but I thought it was a...lol...major change.

I took a (mandatory) tour of the MatSci labs and found it really interesting. I don't have to declare my major until around March next year, so I have a lot of time, but I'm really considering going into MatSci. One of the uppers in band (that I know of) is in MatSci so I can always ask him about it. :)

Also...I hate registration. Nothing stirs the entire school into a state of panic and mass hysteria like 4 o'clocks and registration. :/

Anyway, I'm gonna go back to my homework. Gah, it's hard to do a homework set on integrals when your professor doesn't teach you about them. :(


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Grades, Gambles and Exams

I'm somewhat worried about Calculus and I may be about to take a very dangerous gamble...

So the situation is that I got a D on my first exam despite how hard I studied. I studied even harder this time and got nine points higher. So if I was on the border with the D, then I could have a C right now. But anyway, I calculated my grades as of right now. Currently I have (most) of my grades for everything but the final exam, which is worth 200/500 points. So I calculated my grade for right now, minus the final exam, and came out with a 63%. So, generally that's a D+, and the lowest I can get to "pass" this class (aka get credit and move on with my life) is a C-. I don't know how the professor's going to get the grades from the percentages so...

Ok. So that's the situation. Now here is my gamble.

Today is the last day to drop a class with a "W" (withdraw). It will not show up on my transcripts that I have either passed or failed this class - I just took it and withdrew from it. Doing this means that I would take Calc 21 next semester instead of Calc 22 (and I heard they're harder the next semester because the only people in those classes are the ones who flunked out of the class before) and I would have to catch up with Calc 22 or an equivalent over the summer or something.

So right now I have two choices: take a dangerous gamble and keep the class and study so hard my ears bleed and hope that I score high enough on my final to offset my grade and get me at least a C- (that would require a score of around 150/200 if my calculations are correct). Or I could drop the class today and take Calc 22 over the summer sometime.

Something in me wants me to not take the gamble and withdraw from the class. I was talking to my rank leader and she explained that she was in the same boat as me and had just barely passed with a C-. When I told her about my abysmal grade, she didn't seem too worried so I'm a little hopeful...

On the plus side I got a 74 on my Physics exam. :D My recitation professor says that the class average is probably around 76...so since my score is within ten points of it, I probably get around a B. :3 I'm so relieved. And the funny thing is that I got full credit on a problem where I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and was just using random formulas and hoping that I got at least partial credit. x) And a good thing was that most of the graders seemed really lenient and gave me a lot of partial credit. At one point they circled my answer and said that I used the right formula for the wrong value but still gave me most of the points. :)

So even though I'm really bummed and worried about Calc, I know I at least did decent in Physics. :/

Well. I better go off to start studying Calc so hard my ears bleed and my brain implodes.


P.S. On a much lighter note (on the topic of math) the 97 has a funny chant that (I think) only the engineers in band (which is, actually about 90%) can say.

Someone (it can be anyone) : Hey Engineers!
Band: Hey what?
Everyoneex, dy/dx! ex, dy/dx! Secant! Tangent! Cosine! Sine! 3.14159! Go Engineers! Go Engineers! Hit 'em with a log...naturally!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Dear Professor Napier,

I respect that you are most likely a math genius if you are in charge of creating not only the tests but the homework problems sets. I respect that you are a "higher authority" and have probably worked hard for whatever degree that you have. That doesn't mean that I like you. In fact, I think I very much dislike you right about now. Who in their right mind gives entry level calculus students (and the entry level should be in quotations there) homework problems that NOT EVEN GRADUATE STUDENTS WHO VOLUNTEER THEIR TIME TO HELP STUDENTS TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK CAN DO?!?!

Yes, Professor Napier, I can see the logic in creating difficult problems that make us students think and to make sure by doing this that we understand fully the concepts that are being taught. However, you have to draw a line somewhere, and I draw the line when my tutor puts his head in his hands upon seeing the problems you give us and groans. I draw the line when not even math whiz freshmen in Calc 3 can't figure out how to do the problems you give us for homework. I draw the line when graduate student tutors say that not even they can figure out how to do the problem after spending, literally, an hour trying to solve it.



Dear Saxophone,

Bring it.



Dear Erin,

Eloped with your Social Life. You haven't been paying much attention to her and now you've lost me. Good luck with college.

~Your Sanity


Dear People in my Hall,

I don't care if you're loud and rude;
I don't care if you yell someone's running 'round nude;
I don't care if you scream and shout in the halls
And run around with bouncy balls.
I don't care if you don't like what I do
(because honestly I don't like what you do too);
I'm bothered when you barge in without knocking
And try to ignore your creepy stalking;
I don't care if you scream fire and doom;
Just don't do any of it in my room!

~E (It's a true story, sadly)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Word Vomit! :D

(Title: Basically this blog's going to be about a whole bunch of things that probably have very little to do with each other but are going to be clumped together anyway because I don't feel like making a million posts when I can do it in just one! :D )

1. Lehigh/Laf week :D
2. Saxophone? Sousaphone!
3. Football? What is this nonsense you speak of? (or, alternatively: What is the football team doing on our field?)
4. Thanksgiving adventure

1. Starting midnight tonight, it's going to be Lehigh/Laf week!! As my tutor and every other upper has said, it's going to be the best week EVER. I'd say a few more things about it but I don't want to be chastised by fam (the less you know, the better... ;) ). I am SOOOOOOO excited. It's hard not to when the whole school is abuzz...you can literally FEEL the excitement. It's the only thing anyone talks about and the band us PSYCHED about it.

2. (title of segment is from a silly video the band circulates every once in a while and which Charlie, who plays sousaphone, and Eamonn, a sax player in my rank, jokes about often. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTaupbVlRCI])Yesterday was Lehigh v Georgetown at. Lehigh won (24-7, I believe :) ). And it was the first game where I (attempted) to play, which made Alex and Laura really happy. A few times I got lost in the music so I had to stop (darn you lack of tempo when it comes to reading music!!) but I'm happy because I finally figured out how to play (just forcing myself to).

3. Since we won at Georgetown, I've just heard word that Lehigh has made it to the playoffs and depending on Athletics' view on the band, there is a good chance that they'll bus/fly us to wherever they're playing, which is AWESOME. :D

4. Actual conversation I had with Jose:
Jose: Wand me to bring you back turkey from my thanksgiving since you won't have one? :(
Me: ...I am actually having a thanksgiving. my friend and I are going to catch a few buses and go on a mini adventure that will take most of the day and in the end I will get to see my family :3
Jose: They making the trip?
Me: no
Jose: Using that awesome CISCO thingy with the TVs and stuff?
Me: ...?
Jose: Local family?
Me: Yes
Jose: Oh

Anyway, I look forward to a nice bus adventure. Hopefully I'll get to see some interesting stuff. I need to go to the bookstore and find a few good books so that I won't be entirely bored. :/ Hopefully I won't have any homework that my mean professors would make me do over the break. :(

I think that's it for now...I better go back to my homework.



Friday, November 12, 2010

Ohai Mr. Police Officer, Please Don't Eat Me...

(Title: There was a rank bonding last night and as I walked back to Emery, a police officer in his car was following *cough*stalking*cough* me for a while. When I got to a crosswalk he sped away, which was really weird and small kine creepy)

Plan of Action:

1:00-3:00 - Engineering 005 Lab, going to Peeps Factory today
4:15-undetermined time - Marching Band, Executive Candidate Speeches

7:30 - call-time at ZAC for Georgetown "Flame", will be gone all day

possible musubi party with other Hawaii students


building anticipation for Lehigh/Laf

anticipation growing
10:00p - spring semester registration


ECOFLAME!! PLAYING MUSIC AROUND CAMPUS AND RANDOMLY INVADING CLASSROOMS TO PLAY FIGHT SONGS!!! :D (and by God I will learn the fight songs by then so I can actually play...even if it kills me!!)



Dear Calculus Exam...

Dear Calculus Exam,

Even though we didn't start out as friends, it feels like we're starting to understand each other a bit...I'm still not happy about what you did to me yesterday, but perhaps we can get over those differences...? I would really like to get to know you better - you sound very interesting and worth knowing.

Still, what you pulled yesterday was totally NOT cool. I'm not very happy with you, Calculus Exam, but I think I'm finally starting to get a grasp of your strange quirks.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dear Physics Exam...

Dear Physics Exam...

There was no excuse for what you've done to me.

No, don't even talk to me, I don't want to hear it.

I thought we were good. I thought we had a good relationship going but then you go and pull....THAT on me!! You should be ashamed of yourself.

I don't know, Physics Exam...I stayed up late for you - got 3 hours of sleep and would've gotten less if I thought it would help. You lulled me into a false sense of security and then go and pull something like that. No, don't say anything. I don't want to hear your excuses.

Words cannot describe how much I hate you right now, Physics Exam. I'll be with Calculus now.

And no, you can't come.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Conversations I Thought Were Worthy of Sharing...

Okay. So the first funny "conversation" happened in Calculus Recitation between a student and the TA:
TA: So you calculate the volume of the cone-
Student: Wait. Question. So will we be given the equations on the exam?
TA: ...I don't think so...
Student: You don't think so?
TA: ...I think they assume it is basic high school math that you all know...
Student: So we have to know, like, the surface area of a sphere or something?
TA: 4(pi)r^2.
Student: What?
TA: 4(pi)r^2. Surface area of a sphere. 4(pi)r^2.
Student: *to the rest of the class* Did anyone else know that?
Rest of the class: *either laughing or staring at him blankly*
Student: ...


Second funny conversation. This happened while I was waiting for a ride up to Goodman Stadium for band practice. I was shivering and someone in the band I regularly talk to (but we don't know each other's names, just everything else about each other :/ ) came by.

Me: Words cannot describe how cold I am. *shivers*
Alex (in the back): *laughs*
Other guy: *freaks out* I am soooooo sorry.
Me: ?! Huh?
Other guy: I am soooooooo sorry. I'm warm. (he's wearing a long-sleeved shirt and jeans)
Me: Heh. So is everyone else. (Almost everyone else is in a hoodie at most)
Other guy: I'm so sorry. To everyone else, it's like "wow, it's a nice autumn day". For you it must be like "holy shit it's below 60 degrees!"
Me: Heh. Pretty much. *shivers*
Other guy: *watches me shiver for a little while* I'm sooooooo sorry. If you need ANY warm clothes, let me know.
Me: *thinking it was kind of random* Huh?
Other guy: Seriously. If you need ANY warm clothes, let me know.
Me: *staring at him blankly*
Other guy: I'm from Montana, so I have absolutely NO shortage of warm clothes. If you need ANYTHING let me know.

Sadly, I must face the facts

My shoes are dead. I have holes in the sides. Thankfully I only have to wear them to band a few more weeks. But yeah. I have holes in my shoes and I wear black socks to practice so it doesn't look like I do. I'd wear boots but not only would I end up injuring myself and probably breaking my sax, but I'd probably injure others, especially when we form the Death Box.

Anyway. The second round of 4 o'clocks hover the school like a harbinger of failure. My first one for this round is tomorrow, Physics. My second and final one is on Thursday, Calculus.


Despite my worst expectations, I'm actually doing all right in Calculus (I checked my grade online) but even so I need to do well on the exams to off-set the abysmal grade I got on the last round.

Well, back to studying. :/


P.S.: For a nice reprieve, visit this site: http://www.dearblankpleaseblank.com/index.php?&page=7 It is SOOOOOOOO funny. Dear blank please blank has kept me sane while studying. :3


Monday, November 1, 2010


I just noticed that I neglected to mention Halloween. Well.

Here Halloween is a pretty big deal. For pretty much the entirety of October, I could see people getting ready for the last night of the month. Dining Services, in particular, were really into it. It seemed like every day there was a new addition to Rathbone in the mornings. It was hard not to get excited for Halloween, really.

But by the time it came around, the hype died down. Yeah, it was Halloween. And that ended it. Once Halloween was over...it was over. College life returned back to normal, as if Halloween hadn't even existed.

But anyway, I digress.

I dressed up as a mard (see two posts ago for details) with the rest of the fritch of the 97.

We have all the mards from, I think, 10 (or 5) to 45, but Kim was sick and couldn't come, so we had a hole in the 30 spot. Kim and I technically don't have a mard so we filled in the spots, Kim being 30 and me being 35 (obviously). Rebecca is the oddball because she doesn't really have a mard either, but her rank just gave her a small cone (because she plays sousaphone she is entitled to a smaller mard) and labeled it with her name. Her mard has no "place" so she puts it wherever she wants to. Since Kim wasn't here, she popped herself in as the 30.

So we all went down to the band party and "flamed" it. Meaning we marched in in order and sang GRL^2. It was a fun night. :)