Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Learning to Let Go

Emery room 315
August 31, 2010

Letting go is hard to do. I can't imagine what it's like for a parent to let their child go to college. Humans are such a backwards species. We are monogamous and at the same time have the space in our hearts for infidelity. We have children, raise them for eighteen years and then let them go. Or sometimes we don't. Some animals abandon their young to fend for themselves. We don't. We hang on to our children for dear life. We raise them and dote on them and when it comes time to leave, we mourn their loss. We love our children so much that we are willing to do great things on their behalf. We're willing to scale mountains and put up with their antics all because we love them.

Mom just left today. I had dinner with her and Wayne at a Japanese restaurant and then they dropped me off at my dorm. Mom took pictures and then finally left. Now I feel so...empty. Living here was easier knowing that she was just a phone call away. I could call to have lunch or dinner or breakfast with her, to spend the night when I have a free morning, or to just talk. Now I have to calculate a 6-hour time difference in order to talk to her without ruining her rest. I can't go out to eat with her unless I have a couple thousand dollars to spend and about two days for travel to kill. Of course, I don't. I won't see her for nearly two months and it feels like it's a long time but at the same time I'm looking at the number and thinking: Is that really all I'll be away for?

I have nothing more to say, really, so I'll go and do some homework.


Loving someone is setting them free, letting them go.
-- Kate Winslet

My jesses are in your hand
My hood cinched, to be opened
at your command.
I can only fly
if you let me go.

There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.
-- Author Unknown

True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends. Letting go is one way of saying I love you.
-- Author Unknown

You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.
-- Author Unknown

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