Thursday, August 19, 2010

Last Day in Paradise

Today I spent with fam and friends. Picked up Jenna in the morning and we both went to "breakfast" and then school. After that I went to lunch with Aunty Donna, Noah, Aunty Laurie, and Malia at CPK in Ala Moana. There I was STUFFED, and THEN I went to dinner with dad at Monterey Bay's. He wanted a steak and lobster dinner, since we used to go to those a lot and oh. my. GOD. I feel like if you poke me anywhere NEAR my stomach I'll explode. Urgh. I feel fat. :( But MAN was the dinner great. x)

Got my laptop bag for Misi (my laptop) courtesy of dad from Best Buy. :) Now I'm off to clean my room and check for any last-minute things I want to pack. Of course, I'll find some, and we have another suitcase for "overflow" and a small one each for carry-ons. Mom and Wayne, I think, are going to pack a bag for themselves but I get the bulk of it, just like when Nicol went up for college.

I'm just so...weary right now. It's not necessarily a physical weariness, but it's also a mental and emotional one. I didn't leave yet and I'm missing all of my friends already. James, Jenna, Mary, Aunty Terri, Aunty Annie and the Ark crew...

I am SOOOO gonna bawl my eyes out tomorrow. It's not even funny.

Note to self: pack Kleenix in Misi's bag. Gonna need it.


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