Monday, January 24, 2011

FAQ2: After Winter Break

Frequently asked questions after coming back from winter break:

-How was China?
It was fun. I enjoyed it a lot. 

-Did you go back to Hawaii at all?
Yeah, I was there for about a week and a half before coming back to the mainland. 

-What was the weather like there?
87 degrees at one point. I didn't care much for it - too hot. 

-I bet you miss it right now, huh?
Nope. I like the cold.

-Oh...uh...don't you miss your family?
Yes. You asked if I missed 'it', the 'it' being Hawaii and/or the weather. I don't miss Hawaii or the weather, but I do miss my family.

-What classes do you have?
Calc, Poetic Justice, Engineering 001, Chem 30.

-Can you help me with Engr001?

-Why are you standing outside?
I'm scared to go in.

-I bet you're really cold right not. (more of a statement of a question, but I hear it often anyways)
Yes. I am very cold.

-How was your winter break?
I was enjoyable.

-Do you want me to help you with sax?
It would be wonderful if you could. :D

-Why is everyone but me 'getting it, woo!'?!?
First of all, I am not 'getting it, woo!'. Second of all, don't ask me, I don't listen much to band gossip.

-Why do you keep humming love songs?
Because I like love songs...?

-Where were you?!
...I don't know...where was I?

-What are you doing/where are you going for spring break?
From what I've heard, Kim's kidnapping me over the week of spring break. I'm going with her to her house "in the middle of a cornfield" in central PA. :)

-Are you going to midnight kickball?
Heck yeah! :D Can we say 'Midnight snowball fight?" :P

Well, that's all I can think of. :)


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