If anyone starts singing 'it's the most wonderful time of the year', unless it was sung sarcastically, I will punch them. -__-
The hard thing about my finals is that it's hard to study for them - they're right after the other, with Physics on Wed and Calc on Thurs. :( So I have to study for them simultaneously. The good thing is that I don't have to worry too much about Physics because we get two sheets of notes to take in with us, and I write rull rull small. ;)
The irritating thing about finals, too, is that they're weird times. So on Wed my final is from 4-7p (yes, it's three hours long ;__; ) and on Thursday my final is from 8-11a. Which sucks, really.
So anyway, this is my brief procrastination break. Then it's what may be my last meal for a while unless someone drags me out of my room/complex...
Schedule (Tentative) :
make note sheet for Physics
finish note sheet for Physics
study math
writing conference :(
study math
study Physics
study Physics (do practice exam)
study math
work on GC paper
study physics
panic with those in hall that also take physics
Physics Final
math review session directly after final
study math* (with Kim)**
Calc Exam***
return to room and pack
go to whatever frosh celebration/party thing is happening
start first leg of journey home (go to hotel)
wake up
stay awake@
get ready
catch shuttle
start ridiculously long journey home
sleep on plane
*sleeping optional
**'sleeping optional' applies only to me; study time with Kim = crash course in calculus
***possibility of returning to my room in tears
@ I'm not going to really sleep for fear of not waking up in time and thus missing everything...so I'll nap and stay up the entire time so I can hopefully sleep on the plane :/
Well, it's lunch time.
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