Monday, October 17, 2011


Monday 17 October 2011
Lehigh University, Brodhead House, Room 308:

So mom visited during Pacing Break. We went to Philly, saw a bunch of stuff, then we met up with a bunch of my friends in NJ and we all went skydiving. :)

Yup. We're crazy.

The cool thing was that mom got to meet most of my friends that had gone home for the break, which was nice. :)

They didn't let us take cameras (for obvious reasons) but for about $100 extra, we could get pictures and video courtesy of another jumper tailing us. I didn't get it, but Josh did and his camera guy got a few pictures of me/us, so he gave them to me.

Me and Josh harnessed up and ready to skydive...just waiting for our tandems and the plane...and where did Charlie go??

In the plane with my tandem. He looks totally insane...he kind of is. Nice guy, though. Had a fun time jumping with him. :)

Those are pretty much the only two pictures where neither of us look ridiculous. Also, our matching shirts were totally unintentional. We swear.

Well, I think that's it, for the most part. Nothing more to say, other than I should get back to studying. :P



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quick Update...

4 October 2011, 1:19p Eastern Standard Time;
Brodhead House, Room 514, Common Room:

Not much to update on, really. I'm taking 18 credits this year, two MatSci classes, German class, two standard core classes, and marching band (for one credit). One of my MatSci classes requires 10-20 page minimum professional-grade reports for our labs. Class-wise, everything's great (except those reports are killer!! :(  ).

In band I'm still in Rank 10, alto sax. I'm also still the shortest, not that this really surprises me. I made about four friends among the froshies and kind of made a friend of the creeper froshie...yeah, one party he asked me for my points...small kine creepy. Now that most of the guys in my year know of that, they keep an eye on him and on the girls (mostly our year, since they're closest to us), which is nice.

It's not much but my boyfriend and I just celebrated (as in yesterday or maybe the day before) our one month. We both decided to do something special...after 4 o'clocks, which are this week. He comes with me sometimes to swing dance which is a lot of fun and he enjoys it, too, which is awesome. :)  We bond over "funny" things (as in not generally "expected" or stereotypical boyfriend-girlfriend bonding activities) like paintball, homework/studying, complaining about Chem and our majors (he's Bio/Pre-Med, at least for now, according to him), playing Connect-the-Dots on freckles (mostly me playing Connect-the-Freckles on him, since I don't really have any), and discussing movie quotes and Robot Chicken.

Um...Momcat is coming to visit me over Pacing Break! So excited. :3 Also, a bunch of the 97 c/o '14 is going skydiving on Tuesday.

Tomorrow I sign the lease for the off-campus apartment for next year. It's just off campus near Whitacker Labs, which according to my older MatSci friends, will be my home next year. It's near the bookstore and near Campus Square, which is nice, and I saw the house - I think it looks both nice and in good condition. The landlord is pretty cool too. He's really nice.

This year most of my friends live in the same building, which is pretty awesome - that means that I can visit them whenever I want and without leaving the building. I study more on their floor than I do on my own. :) We also have a dining hall downstairs, which is nice b/c we can just walk downstairs in our PJ's and not have to walk outside. It's also near a sandwich shop called the Goosey Gander. You have no idea how awesome the Goose is. So. Good.

We did two shows for marching band this year:
-Lehigh vs New Hampshire ("Gimme Some Touchin'"):
-Lehigh vs Liberty ("The Joy of Cotton"): 1), 2)
-Lehigh vs Yale ("You Really Got Me Jumpin'"):

Also, the trombones like to do something called "Underbone" ("Underdog" theme + played by trombones = "Underbone"):

I think that's it for now...I may not update this as often as I did last year, considering I'm a lot busier than I was last year but...I'll try?
